
The Banyan Review is an online, international journal promoting poetry, art, and the natural world. We publish two to three issues annually. Although our issues are titled by season, submissions do not have to reflect that issue's season. We are open to all aesthetics and publish works written in English. 

We only accept digital submissions through Submittable and do not accept submissions through email. The Banyan Review does not accept previously published work in any format including print, electronic, and personal social media. Any AI generated work is not eligible for submission. 

Please Send:

Well-crafted poetry, flash, short-fiction, and creative non-fiction on any topic.

Evocative work that expands what it means to promote poetry, art and the natural world.

POEMS- up to five (5) unpublished poems in one single (doc or docx) file. *Translations of poems into English may include previously published poems if permissions are granted by the original publisher and/or author in writing to be verified. 

FLASH FICTION- up to 1,500 words in one file. 

VISUAL ART- up to (6) six images per submission as jpg or png. We consider photographs, paintings, drawings, sculptures, fabric mediums, or any other mediums that produce works of an inherently artistic nature. 

MIXED MEDIA Literature- up to one 1,ooo words, in one pdf file.

SIMULTANEOUS SUBMISSIONS- Notify us if your work is accepted elsewhere. 

REVIEWS- on chapbooks, full-length poetry collections, poetry anthologies, and short-story collections.

Please Do Not Send:

Except for translations, previously published work in any print or electronic format including personal social media. 

Submissions through email or mail.   


Please do not use the withdrawal feature in Submittable unless you are withdrawing all pieces from consideration. Please send a message about which poems have been accepted and which pieces are still available. 

All submissions:

First American serial rights revert back to the poet or artist upon publication. We ask that you kindly acknowledge The Banyan Review if your work is anthologized or included in any chapbook or full-length collection. You grant The Banyan Review usage in perpetuity or usage at our discretion, including usage for marketing The Banyan Review on social media or in other marketing venues. 

Your submission warrants that you are the original author and creator of this work, that the work in the submission is not AI generated, that you understand all guidelines, and that you give permission to The Banyan Review to include your work online, in social media posts, in any future print anthology, and for marketingThe Banyan Review. There are no payments and there are no royalties dispersed for work included in The Banyan Review online or the anthology. If the editor changes, you agree that all work may be selected by the primary editor or any guest editor on staff.

Ends on $3.00

 Please Send:

  • POEMS- up to five (5) unpublished poems in a single (doc, docx, or pdf) file. 
  • FLASH FICTION- up to 500 words (one or multiple not to exceed word limit) in a single (doc, docx, or pdf) file.

A Note on Translations:

If permissions are granted by the original publisher and/or author in writing, we accepts poems translated into English.

 Please Do Not Send:

  • Except for translations, previously published work in any print or electronic format including personal social media.
  • Submissions through email or mail. 
The Banyan Review Magazine