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The Banyan Review is open to all aesthetics and publish works written in English.  We only accept digital submissions through Submittable and do not accept submissions through email.

Please Send:

Evocative work that expands what it means to promote poetry, art, and the natural world.

POEMS- up to five (5) unpublished poems in one single (doc or docx) file. *Translations of poems into English may include previously published poems if permissions are granted by the original publisher and/or author in writing to be verified. 

VISUAL ART- up to (6) six images per submission as jpg or png. We consider photographs, paintings, drawings, sculptures, fabric mediums, or any other mediums that produce works of an inherently artistic nature. 

[Limited Acceptances of Photography]

MIXED MEDIA Literature- up to one 1,000 words, in one pdf file.

Please Do Not Send:

Except for translations, previously published work in any print or electronic format including personal social media. 

Submissions through email or mail.  

We use Submittable to accept and review our submissions.